Yesterday was fun! Went down arond 1.30 and played basketball till 6.30! There was me, ben, weizhe, jun wen, gen, victoria (gen's hyper friend). Gen's friend sprained her ankle, but i'm not too sure, she was playing as good as the day before. Maybe it was a minor sprain, in anycase, i hope her spain heals soon.
Weizhe was, or rather, is afraid of gen's friend. Guess hes unconfortable with contact. They both were very... entertaining when gen's friend chased weizhe all over the court! Ah well
Its kinda fasinating that jun wen is known by gen and weizhe. coincidence!
I'm shack now, aching like crazy all over. I knew i should have slept instead of playing com till 1. Oh well...
12 more days, and into the gautlet i go... I have the physical strengh, but do i have the mental strengh? Only time will tell...
"bravo two, i got him" there was a crack. I raced up the tower, there was a bullet hole the size of a fifty-cent coin on his forehead. "Tango down, nice one bravo two" i replied..
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